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Prints information about resource usage and garbage collection.


Prints information about resource usage and garbage collection on the log_output stream. This information is also provided by statistics/2. Please refer to statistics/2 for a description of the statistic items. Times are displayed in seconds, memory sizes in bytes.

Modes and Determinism


?- statistics.
times:                   [0.17, 0.01, 3.91] seconds
cputime:                 0.185250307 seconds
hr_time:                 1486062186.47289 seconds
event_time:              3.91 seconds
session_time:            3.91 seconds
global_stack_used:       2544 bytes
global_stack_allocated:  8421376 bytes
global_stack_peak:       8421376 bytes
trail_stack_used:        152 bytes
trail_stack_allocated:   294912 bytes
trail_stack_peak:        294912 bytes
control_stack_used:      1208 bytes
control_stack_allocated: 32768 bytes
control_stack_peak:      32768 bytes
local_stack_used:        984 bytes
local_stack_allocated:   32768 bytes
local_stack_peak:        32768 bytes
shared_heap_allocated:   2846720 bytes
shared_heap_used:        2815312 bytes
private_heap_allocated:  0 bytes
private_heap_used:       0 bytes
gc_number:               3 
gc_collected:            15496608.0 bytes
gc_area:                 5165600 bytes
gc_ratio:                99.9986577888 %
gc_time:                 0.01 seconds
dictionary_entries:      4276 
dict_hash_usage:         2514 / 8192 
dict_hash_collisions:    458 / 2972 
dict_collected:          2499 
dict_gc_number:          4 
dict_gc_countdown:       955 
dict_gc_running:         false 
wake_count:              0 

See Also

statistics / 2