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Character I/O

Built-ins to input and output characters or byte strings


Reads the next character or byte from the current input stream
get(+Stream, -Code)
Reads the next character from the input stream Stream
Reads the next character from the current input
get_char(+Stream, -Char)
Reads the next character from the input stream Stream
A newline is printed on the output stream.
A newline is printed on the output stream Stream.
The character represented by the integer Code is put onto the buffered current output
put(+Stream, +Code)
The character represented by the integer code Code is put onto the buffered output stream Stream.
Puts the single character text Char onto the buffered current output.
put_char(+Stream, +Char)
Puts the single character text Char onto the buffered output stream Stream.
read_string(+Stream, ?Length, -String)
Reads a string from Stream up to a specified length
read_string(+Stream, +Delimiters, ?Length, -String)
Reads a string from the stream Stream up to a delimiter or up to a specified length.
read_string(+Stream, +SepChars, +PadChars, -Separator, -String)
Reads a string from the stream Stream up to a delimiter.
read_token(-Token, -Class)
Succeeds if the next token from the current input stream is successfully read and unified with Token and its token class with Class.
read_token(+Stream, -Token, -Class)
Succeeds if the next token from the input stream Stream is successfully read and unified with Token and its token class with Class.
Succeeds if the code of the next character read in raw mode from the current input is successfully unified with Code.
tyi(+Stream, -Code)
Succeeds if the code of the next character read in raw mode from the input stream Stream is successfully unified with Code.
The character represented by the integer Code is put onto the current output in raw mode.
tyo(+Stream, +Code)
The character represented by the integer Code is put onto the output stream Stream in raw mode.
Back up one character on Stream

Generated from iochar.eci on 2022-09-03 14:26