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join_string(++List, +Glue, -String)

String is the string formed by concatenating the elements of List with an instance of Glue between each of them.
List of atomic terms.
A string or atom.
A string or variable.


String is the string formed by concatenating the elements of List with an instance of Glue between each of them. List may contain numbers, atoms and strings. The result of the concatenation is always a string.

Note that concat_string/2 can be defined as

       concat_string(List, String) :-
           join_string(List, "", String).
This is a deprecated alias for atomics_to_string/3.

Modes and Determinism


(4) instantiation fault
List is not instantiated (non-coroutine mode only).
(4) instantiation fault
List contains free variables (non-coroutine mode only).
(5) type error
List is instantiated, but not to a list of atomic terms.
(5) type error
String is neither an string nor a variable.
(5) type error
Glue is neither an string nor an atom.


    join_string([usr,"local",bin], "/", "usr/local/bin").
    join_string([1,2,3], " -> ", "1 -> 2 -> 3").

    join_string(A,"-",X).        (Error 4).
    join_string([abc,D],",",X).  (Error 4).
    join_string(art,",",X).      (Error 5).
    join_string([a,b],3,X).      (Error 5).

See Also

atomics_to_string / 2, concat_strings / 3, append_strings / 3, atom_string / 2, split_string / 4, sprintf / 3