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Various global constraints over lists of FD variables


All members of Vars are different
alldifferent(+Vars, ++Capacity)
Vars contains at most Capacity elements of each value
Constrain the rows and columns of Matrix to be different values
atleast(+N, ?Vars, +V)
At least N elements of Vars have the value V.
atmost(+N, ?Vars, +V)
At most N elements of Vars have the value V.
bin_packing(+ItemBins, ++ItemSizes, +BinLoads)
The one-dimensional bin packing constraint with loads: packing N items into M bins, each bin having a load
bin_packing(+ItemBins, ++ItemSizes, +M, +BinSize)
The one-dimensional bin packing constraint: packing N items into M bins
bool_channeling(?Var, +DomainBools, +Min)
Channel the domain values of Vars to the 0/1 boolean variables in DomainBools
inverse(+Succ, +Pred)
Constrains elements of Succ to be the successors and Pred to be the predecessors of nodes in a digraph
lex_le(+List1, +List2)
List1 is lexicographically less or equal to List2
lex_lt(+List1, +List2)
List1 is lexicographically less than List2
lexico_le(?, ?)
No description available
maxlist(+List, ?Max)
Max is the maximum of the values in List
minlist(+List, ?Min)
Min is the minimum of the values in List
nvalue(??N, ??Vars)
The collection Vars contains N different values.
occurrences(++Value, +Vars, ?N)
The value Value occurs in Vars N times
ordered(++Relation, +List)
Constrains List to be ordered according to Relation
ordered_sum(+List, ?Sum)
The list elements are ordered and their sum is Sum
sequence_total(+Min, +Max, +Low, +High, +K, +ZeroOnes)
The number of occurrences of the value 1 is between Low and High for all sequences of K variables in ZeroOnes, and the total occurrences of 1 in ZeroOnes is between Min and Max
sequence_total(+Min, +Max, +Low, +High, +K, +Vars, ++Values)
The number of values taken from Values is between Low and High for all sequences of K variables in Vars, and the total occurrence of each value in Vars is between Min and Max
sorted(?List, ?Sorted)
Sorted is a sorted permutation of List
sorted(?List, ?Sorted, ?Positions)
Sorted is a sorted permutation (described by Positions) of List
No description available
sumlist(+List, ?Sum)
The sum of the list elements is Sum
tr_global_out(?, ?)
No description available


Other Exports

export portray(occurrences / 5, tr_global_out / 2, [goal])
export portray(atmost / 5, tr_global_out / 2, [goal])
export portray(atleast / 5, tr_global_out / 2, [goal])
export portray(lex_lte / 3, tr_global_out / 2, [goal])
export portray(lex_demon / 4, tr_global_out / 2, [goal])


Generated from fd_global.eci on 2022-09-03 14:26