Email Contact and Mailing Lists

ECLiPSe Users Mailing List

This list is for information exchange between ECLiPSe users, and for the discussion of technical topics. To send a contribution to the list, first make sure you are subscribed, then simply mail to

Mailing list policy:

( subscribe | archive | backup archive | historic archive up to 2005 )

ECLiPSe Announcements Mailing List

If you want to be be informed about new releases of ECLiPSe, but are not interested in discussions about its use, you can join the low-volume list eclipse-announce. It is used solely by the ECLiPSe development team to distribute information about new releases and major developments.

( subscribe | archive | backup archive | historic archive up to 2005 )

Other Announcements and Publicity Mailing List

This is a list for conference or publication announcements, job offers, etc. Mails to eclipse-clp-users which are of this type may be redirected here by the moderator.

You must subscribe to this list to be able to post. Post by by mailing to

( subscribe | archive )

Newsgroups and Web Sites

The following newsgroups cover topics closely related to ECLiPSe:

Other places for discussion and questions:

Bug Reports and Technical Support

For information about bug reporting, see here.